Monday, March 06, 2006

starting today

Starting today I want to take time for me. Sounds a little selfish I am sure, but what I mean is I want to take time for me and that always includes my quiet time for God. I want to focus on the fact that his word is a living word and its meaning for my life may change everyday depending on what situation he has me in. This sounds weird I am sure but sometimes taking time for me means being sure family dinner includes the whole family (the kids are only little once) and dad can't be that late. Sometimes time for me means just a chapter in a good book by myself or conversing with the love of my life about todays quiet time. Sometimes it means working towards that new goal so I can do ALL that God has for me in that area. Time for me doesn't mean time by myself, doing for myself not always. It means time that I spend bettering my life and the lives around me. When I do things for others I benefit far more than any of them possibly could I promise. I want to love to my fullest ability, laugh at myself and things around me, I want to see each miracle that is hidden in today. I want to remember not to sweat the small stuff, but to be sure to acknowledge how mighty something as simple as a mustard seed has the potential to become. Praise the Lord for even the Small Stuff!


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